Announcing Middle East Edition of the Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research…………
We are happy to announce an annual Middle East Edition of the Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research starting 2022. This will be a 100% Open Access publication.
The goal of this edition is to promote nutraceuticals and health research in the middle east countries (Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Syria, Turkey, UAE and Yemen)and expedite their publication.
All submissions (in WORD and PDF) will be made by email only to Dr. Saad Ahmed Al-Kahtani, Editor-in-Chief (Middle East Edition), Department of Clinical Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Najran University, Najran, KSA,
If a manuscript is written well and found to be acceptable, the entire process of review to publication could be accomplished in 3-6 weeks. However, if a manuscript has good science as judged by the editors but needs assistance with writing we provide low-cost assistance to authors from non-English speaking countries. Please contact the journal by e-mail ( for details
Dr. Saad Ahmed Al-Kahtani
Editor-in-Chief (Middle East Edition)
Dr. Ali Mohamed Alshabi
Associate Editor-in-Chief (Middle East Edition)
Dr. Ibrahim Ahmed Shaikh
Managing Editor (Middle East Edition)
Prof. Chandan Prasad, PhD
Announcing a special issue entitled, “Mushrooms as Medicinal & Functional Food” to be published as Volume 21, Number 5 of the Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research…………
Mushrooms as Medicinal & Functional Food
Guest Editors: Prof. Zhao-Jun Wei, PhD & Professor Wenyi Kang, PhD
Call for Papers

Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research (CTNR) is an international, interdisciplinary broad-based peer reviewed scientific journal for the critical evaluation of research on chemistry, biology and therapeutic applications of nutraceuticals and functional foods. The major goal of this journal is to provide peer reviewed unbiased scientific data to the decision makers in the nutraceutical and food industry to help make informed product development choices. To this end, the journal publishes original articles as well as reviews of preclinical and clinical research data coming largely from animal, cell culture and other experimental models. The journal also serves as a forum for nutritionists, internists, neurologists, psychiatrists, and all those interested in preventive medicine. The common denominator of all topics to be covered by the journal must include nutraceuticals and/functional food
In the modern era, medicinal mushrooms and their extracts/products are often regarded as functional foods and/or nutraceuticals. Although the term “nutraceutical” has no regulatory definition, scientific evidence supporting the health benefits of mushroom nutraceuticals is increasing, and many species carry great commercial value. Medicinal mushrooms have been used for centuries, particularly amongst indigenous communities, to promote health and longevity. Some of them have traditionally been used for the treatment of various ailments, especially in folkloric Chinese medicine. On the other hand, the use of mushrooms is reported in ethnomycology around the globe, but to a lesser extent compared with their use in China. Mushroom extracts are increasingly consumed due to their health benefits, which include the enhancement of immune function and antitumor activity. Products of mushrooms, when used as functional foods or dietary supplements, can help with interventions into sub-optimal health states, and may prevent the full-blown consequences of life-threatening diseases. An equilibrated diet that includes mushroom consumption can take advantage of the nutritional/medicinal features of mushrooms. Mushrooms are thought to exert many pharmacological effects, including antitumor, immunomodulatory, antigenotoxic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hypocholesterolemic, antihypertensive, antiplatelet aggregating, antihyperglycemic, and antimicrobial activity, and have many pharmacological applications. Numerous studies were conducted on low-molecular-weight and high-molecular-weight bioactive compounds isolated from mushrooms. These studies report heteropolysaccharides, α-glucans, β-glucans, proteins, lectins, complexes of polysaccharides with proteins, fatty acids, terpenoids, sesquiterpenes, lanostanoids, sterols, and phenolic compounds to be promising therapeutic agents. Further research is needed to validate the usefulness of mushrooms and their compounds, either alone or in combination with existing therapies. This Special Issue will cover the pharmacological potential of compounds isolated from mushrooms, the biological activity of mushroom extracts, and the chemical characterization of the constituents responsible for such actions. For this Special Issue, we invite authors to submit research and review articles as well as opinion pieces or hypotheses related to “Mushrooms as Medicinal & Functional Food”. Submission is open now and it closes on December 15, 2023. The issue will be published online on a continuous base, with the last paper being published no later than in January-February 2023.
Please submit your manuscripts (including reviews) in WORD and PDF on the journal website ( indicating that it is for special issie on Mushrooms. Also, you can submit the manuscript by e-mail to Prof. Wei (;, Prof. Kang (, or the publisher (
Special Issue Editors
Prof. Zhao-Jun Wei, PhD
Dean, School of Biological Science and Engineering
North Minzu University, Wenchang North St 204
Xixia District, Yinchuan City, Ningxia. PC 750021,
People’s Republic of China
E-mail: ;
Professor Wenyi Kang, PhD
Director, National R & D Center for Edible Fungus
Processing Technology,
Henan University, Kaifeng 475004, Henan,
People’s Republic of China
Announcing a special issue entitled, “Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods in Mitochondrial Nutrition” to be published as Volume 21 (Special Issue) of the Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research…………
Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods in Mitochondrial Nutrition
Guest Editor: Professor Sergej M. Ostojic, MD, PhD
Call for Papers

The Journal
Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research (CTNR) is an international, interdisciplinary broad-based peer reviewed scientific journal for the critical evaluation of research on chemistry, biology and therapeutic applications of nutraceuticals and functional foods. The major goal of this journal is to provide peer reviewed unbiased scientific data to the decision makers in the nutraceutical and food industry to help make informed product development choices. To this end, the journal publishes original articles as well as reviews of preclinical and clinical research data coming largely from animal, cell culture and other experimental models. The journal also serves as a forum for nutritionists, internists, neurologists, psychiatrists, and all those interested in preventive medicine. The common denominator of all topics to be covered by the journal must include nutraceuticals and/functional food.
About this Special Issue
Adequate nutrient levels are vital for supporting optimal mitochondrial functions, from energy conversion and calcium homeostasis to cell signalling and apoptosis. Metabolic disorders are often accompanied by mitochondrial dysfunction, disrupting the metabolism of macro- and micronutrients in the organelle and damaging target organs. Various dietary regimens, bioactive compounds and nutraceuticals are recognized for its potential to maintain and improve mitochondrial function in metabolic diseases, providing an innovative therapeutic application in experimental and clinical nutrition. This Special Issue will cover a variety of topics related to mitochondrial nutrition in obesity, type 2 diabetes, neurometabolic disorders, cancer, critical illness and other conditions with impaired metabolism, spanning from the assessment of mitochondrial nutritional patho-physiology, potential food components relevant for tackling mitochondrial dysfunction, and clinical trials with mitochondria-specific nutraceuticals. Article types will include research articles, review articles, perspective articles, mini-reviews, opinion papers, and short communications. The focus of the papers may be preclinical or clinical research, with no limitations to specific fields. For this Special Issue, we invite authors to submit research and review articles as well as opinion pieces or hypotheses related to “Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods in Mitochondrial Nutrition”.
How to submit
Please send your manuscript title and abstract to Professor Ostojic ( by October 31, 2023. Prof Ostojic will conduct an initial screening and help authors shape their manuscripts based on the submitted abstracts. Once the abstract and manuscript title are approved by Prof. Ostojic, please submit your manuscript to or by email to: The submission due date is December 31, 2023. Please refer to when preparing your manuscripts.
About Open Access
All articles accepted and published in Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research are fully Open Access: immediately freely available to read, download and share. Submissions will be subject to an APC if accepted and published in the journal. The article processing fee for this issue will be discounted in recognition of your valuable contribution based on the country income data (World Bank List of Economies) to $1500 (High Income), $1000 (Middle Income) and $500 (Low Income). This fee will include services such as, simple grammar and language check followed by typesetting, copy editing, posting with indexing services and DOI assignment. Please note that the service will guide but will not reorganize your references. If the manuscript needs enhanced help with writing and content presentation, the author will be informed by the publisher with a cost estimate which is generally very competitive ranging between $300 and $600 to be determined by manuscript size and complexity. Please note that we help but do not organize references.
Guest editor
Professor Sergej M. Ostojic, MD, PhD
Assistant Editor CTNR