Current Topics in


An International Journal for Critical Evaluation of Research on Nutraceuticals & Functional Foods


Authors are highly recommended to read the editorial policy and the Instruction to Authors before writing the manuscript.

Scope of the Journal

      The journal accepts both research articles and review papers. The editorial board would like to see review articles focused on nutraceuticals and functional foods and their application. In reviewing the literature, the authors are urged to evaluate validity of conclusions based upon the appropriateness of statistical design of the experiment. If necessary, help of a statistician should be sought. Lastly, the reviewers should refrain from introducing personal bias or opinion that cannot be supported experimentally. However, the reviewer could conclude the article with recommendations for future research or appropriate use of a nutraceutical agent.

How to Put Together the Manuscript

1.Types of Articles

Review Articles:

A review article should normally occupy less than 24 printed pages. In reviewing the literature, the authors are urged to evaluate validity of conclusions based upon the appropriateness of statistical design of the experiment. If necessary, help of a statistician should be sought. Lastly, the reviewers should refrain from introducing personal bias or opinion that cannot be supported experimentally.

Research Articles:

The length of the research article should not exceed 16 printed journal pages, including all figures and tables.

Letters to the Editor:

This section is designed to provide a forum for the exchange of practical information, advice and opinions in response to a published article. The opinions and advice expressed are not necessarily those of the editors of the Journal, and publication will be at the editors' discretion.

2.Calculation of Manuscript Size:

One page contains approximately 880 words, two or three figures or tables, or 34 references.

3.How to Submit the Manuscript online or by e-mail

     Prepare a single file of the manuscript in both WORD and PDF. The manuscript should contain the following information in the order below.

    A) TITLE

    B) AUTHOR (First name followed by middle name, if any, and last or family name) & AFFILIATION(S) CONTINUE IF MORE THAN ONE AUTHOR

    C) ABSTRACT (< 200 WORDS)

    D) KEY WORDS (6-8)

    E) CORRESPONDING AUTHOR (only one) WITH ADDRESS AND E-MAIL (All correspondence must come from this author only).








    M) REFERENCES (Must follow journal style described below. If not, manuscript will be returned)

    N) TABLE(S) (If any). Type title followed by the table.

    O) FIGURE(S) (If any). Type Figure legend followed by figure. Do not insert figure legend inside figure.

    To submit a manuscript, go to
    Click Submit Manuscript button on top right side of the page
    Sign in with your email address and password.
    After login, please select journals (CTNR/IJPP) from left side menu.
    Click Submit Manuscript, enter all required details and submit.
     Alternatively, you can submit your manuscript by e-mail to:

4. Reprints and Publication Charges/fees:

There will be no page charges. A reprint request form will be sent to the corresponding author on request only.

5. Publication Options :

The journal publishes articles in Open Access and Closed Access formats. The manuscripts will be published on the journal website within 5 days of acceptance, galley-proof approval, and fee payment.

There will be a charge of $100 per color illustration. Certain illustrations that must be in color cannot be presented in B/W. Example, immunocytochemical illustrations.

6. Proofs:

The corresponding author will receive the galley-proof by e-mail in PDF format for correction, and these must be returned to the printer within 48 hours of receipt. Cost of unreasonable alterations of the original composition will be charged to authors.

7. Copyright:

It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submitted to this journal have not been published and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. Authors are required to complete a copyright transfer agreement and submit it with the final version of the accepted manuscript.

Organization of Manuscript

Papers should be typed in Times Roman, double-spaced with 1-inch wide margins. Please do not insert Tables and Figures in the text.

1. Title Page:

This is the first page of the manuscript. This page MUST provide the following information in the order as outlined below.
i) Title of the manuscript
ii) Surname (family name) followed by initials of the first author (Example: Doe, J. E.)
iii) Mailing address, Telephone & FAX numbers and e-mail address of the first author
iv) Follow steps ii) and iii) for additional authors. Request for permission to add, delete or change of sequence of authors of the manuscript should be made to the Editor-in-Chief prior to acceptance of the manuscript. The request must be made in writing and ALL authors must sign it, The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to reject the request.
v) Designate the author to whom correspondence should be addressed, along with telephone and FAX numbers and an E-mail address.
vi) The title page should also indicate the number of manuscript pages, figures (Black & White and in color), and tables.
vii) Four to six keywords should be listed in alphabetical order
viii) A Running Title not to exceed 35 characters

2. Abstract:

This is the second page of the manuscript. This should be no more than 200 words in length, should summarize the significant findings and should not contain any references. Do not subdivide the abstract in subsections.

3. Text Headings:

Set first-level headings in the text over to the left, typed all in capitals (upper case) and in bold; begin the text on the following line. Examples of first-level headings will be: Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion and References. Second-level headings should be typed with initial capital letter, in small lower case letters and in bold. For third-level headings, type similarly but not in bold. For fourth-level headings, type similarly but in italics.


Second-level Headings

Third-level Headings

Fourth-level headings

4. Acknowledgements:

Acknowledgements should be included at the end of the text.

5. References:

References are cited in the text by authors' names (et al. should be used for papers authored by more than two persons) and year of publication. If you are citing more than one publication for one year by the same authors, use suffix a, b or c after the year of publication. Some examples are: Hamazaki et al., 1995; Benzie and Smith, 1999; Hausman et al., 2002a and Hausman et al., 2002b. However, the reference list at the end of the manuscript must include names of all authors.
All references should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper. References should list author's last name followed by initial(s), year, and title of the article, full name of the journal (in italics), volume, and inclusive page numbers:


Hyun-Sook, K., Hausman, G.J., Hausman, D.B., Martin, R.J. and Dean, R.G. (2000). The Expression of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor in Pig Fetal Tissue and Primary Stromal-Vascular Cultures. Obesity Research 8:83-88.


Spilker, B. and Cramer, J. A. (1992) Patient recruitment in clinical trials, (New York, New York: Raven Press Ltd).

Book Chapters:

Onaivi, E.S., Talton, S. and Prasad, C. (1993) The level of protein in diet modulates the behavioral effects of amphetamine. In: Lehnert, H., Murison, R., Weiner, H., Hellhammer, D. and Beyer, J. (Eds), Endocrine and Nutritional Control of Basic Biological Functions (Toronto: Ontario: Hogrefer & Huber Publishers), pp. 287-292.


Salahuddin, F., Svec, F. and Dinan, T. G. (1997) Low DHEA levels in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Journal of Investigative Medicine 45, 56A (Abstract).

Unpublished results (including articles submitted for publication) or personal communications should be cited as such within the text.

6. Footnotes:

There should be minimal use of footnotes. A footnote may include the designation of a corresponding author of the paper, current address information for an author (if different from that shown in the affiliation), and it will appear at the bottom of the title page. Grant support of research should appear in a separate Acknowledgements section at the end of the paper, not in a footnote. Acknowledgements of the assistance of colleagues or similar note of appreciation also properly belong in an Acknowledgements section, not in footnotes.
Footnotes should be indicated in the text by the following symbols: * (asterisk or star), †(dagger), ‡ (double dagger), ¶ (paragraph mark), § (section mark), II (parallels), # (number sign). Do not use numerals for footnotes call-outs, as they may be mistaken for bibliographical reference call-outs or exponents. Footnotes within a table should be indicated by the same symbols listed above. Type footnotes to a table directly beneath the table.

7. Figure Legends:

All figure legends should be typed on a separate sheet, be numbered with consecutive Arabic numbers, have descriptive legends, and be mentioned in the text. Keep figures separate from the text, but indicate an approximate position for each figure in the margin.

8. Illustrations:

The quality of line drawings and photographs must be of a high enough standard for direct reproduction. No additional artwork redrawing or typesetting will be done. Photographs intended for halftone reproductions must be glossy original prints of maximum contrast. Illustrations should be prepared to fit either into a single column width (75 mm) or double column width (160 mm), in the case of line drawings, after 50% reduction. All lettering must be clearly legible and be not less than 4 mm in height.
Color illustrations: Whenever the use of color is an integral part of the research, or where the work is generated in color, the journal will publish the color illustration for a charge of $100 per illustration.

9. Tables:

Tables should be consecutively numbered with Arabic numbers and have a clear descriptive title at the top. Explanatory table footnotes are acceptable (please also see Footnotes).

10. Abbreviations and Conventions:

Abbreviations that are nonstandard should be defined in the text when first used. Whenever possible restrict the use of abbreviations to SI (Systeme Internationale) symbols.

Identification of Reviewers

To expedite the review process, authors may submit names, telephone & FAX numbers, and E-mail address of 2-4 potential reviewers (referees) of the manuscript. Authors also may indicate (if necessary) individuals who should not be asked to review the manuscript.

Conflict of Interest Disclosure

It is the policy of this journal and the publisher (New Century Health Publishers, LLC) that readers of the journal should be made aware of any affiliation or financial interest that may affect the author's presentation. Therefore, authors of review articles should disclose at the time of submission any financial arrangement they may have with a company whose product figures prominently in the submitted manuscript or with a company making a competing product. Such information will be held in confidence while the paper is under review and will not influence the editorial decision, but if the article is accepted for publication, the editors will usually discuss with the authors the manner in which such information is to be communicated to the reader.

This information should be provided on a separate sheet of paper under title "Conflict of Interest Disclosure" and included with the manuscript submitted. Please provide your name, signature and the title of the manuscript below the "Conflict of Interest Disclosure" statement. If there is no conflict of interest, simply state so. Editors are not to share this statement with the reviewers of the manuscript.