Editorial and Peer Review Policy
Our philosophy is to publish articles that will meet the highest standards of quality in scientific vigor and readability of articles and for this we follow a double anonymous peer review process, where the identity of both the author and reviewer are unknown to each other.
This involves the following specific steps:
Step 1: Once the manuscript is received, an in-house editor will evaluate the manuscript for its relevance to the scope of the journal. If relevant, it moves to step 2. If not, it is rejected at this stage itself.
Step 2: An initial editorial screening will be done to check whether the manuscript is in conformity with the instructions for the preparation of manuscript as provided in the journal website. Any inadequacies observed at this stage will be communicated to the author to send a revised manuscript. This may involve one or more of the following functions- plagiarism check, statistical treatment of the data, organization of results, organization of references in the text as well as reference list etc. If the manuscript is not as per instructions provided to the authors, the manuscript will not be considered for further processing.
Step 3: We look for and identify minimum two peer reviewers willing to provide a review within 2-4 weeks. Our peer reviewers are instructed to evaluate only the quality of content (science) and point out any serious issues with writing and presentation. The reviewers need to provide their decision as below along with reasons for such decisions
Accepted without any revisions
Accepted with minor revisions needed as indicated by the reviewers
Accepted with major revisions needed as indicated by the reviewers
Step 4:The reviewer’s decisions along with their comments will be duly communicated to the corresponding author of the manuscript
Step 5:The manuscript corrected by the author will be scrutinized in-depth by the in-house editor to check whether the necessary corrections as indicated by the peer reviewers are duly addressed and if not addressed proper explanation is provided by the author. In case of major revisions, the revised document will be sent to the reviewers for checking and approving the author corrections.
Step 6:Once the in-house editor is satisfied with the author responses and further peer reviewer approval if needed, the manuscript will be sent to the editor-in-chief for making the final decision on publication of the manuscript. Once the final decision is made the manuscript will be assigned to a professional copyeditor for language editing the copy-edited manuscript is sent out (if needed) for author approval. Once approved, it moves to the next step of online conversion .
Step 7:The manuscript is then sent to our publishing service for typesetting to prepare a galley-proof.
Step 8:The galley-proof is sent to the author for correction/approval followed by publication on journal website and then released to indexing services currently indexing the journal articles.