Article Processing Charges
The New Century Health Publishers introduces 100% open access publishing of manuscripts submitted to International Journal of Probiotics & Prebiotics (IJPP) in 2025 for a fee based on WORLD BANK INCOME DATA of the country. The accepted manuscripts will be published on the journal website within 5 days of acceptance, galley-proof approval and fee payment.
The APC rate for 2025 and 2026 for low-income and middle-income countries will be $499 per manuscript. Authors from all other countries will be charged $1,000/manuscript.
This fee will include services such as minor grammar and language checks followed by typesetting, copy editing, posting with indexing services, and DOI assignment. If the manuscript needs additional help with writing and content presentation, we offer this service at a rate ranging between $200 and 600 per manuscript to be determined by manuscript size. Please note that we help but do not organize references. There will be no charge for color illustration.