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Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research ISSN 2641-452X (Online) ISSN 1540-7535 (Print) is an international, interdisciplinary broad-based peer reviewed scientific journal for critical evaluation of research on chemistry, biology and therapeutic applications of nutraceuticals and functional foods. The major goal of this journal is to provide peer reviewed unbiased scientific data to the decision makers in the nutraceutical and food industry to help make informed choices about development of new products.
International Journal of Probiotics & Prebiotics ISSN 2641-7197 (Online) ISSN 1555-1431 (Print) is an international, interdisciplinary broad based peer reviewed scientific journal for critical evaluation of research on prebiotics, probiotics and synbiotics. The major goal of this journal is to provide peer reviewed unbiased scientific data to students, researchers, healthcare providers, and the decision makers in the nutraceutical industry to help make informed choices about prebiotics, probiotics and synbiotics.

"I had an excellent experience working with New Century Health Publishers. The coordinators at Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research helped my paper progress through the publication stage in a very smooth fashion. The reviewers provided excellent suggestions that greatly increased the quality of my paper."
Lei Hong
PhD - Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, CHINA
"Based on my experience of publishing several papers in the Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, I find the journal very helpful and author friendly. Furthermore, this is one of the very few peer-reviewed international journals in the field where authors can publish their work at no financial cost."
Natalia Vallianou
MD, MSc, PhD - Evangelismos General Hospital, Athens, GREECE
"My experience with “Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research” as an author has been very positive. I think the journal should give a chance to authors to publish short papers as research letters."